Confirmation of loss of Al-Qaeda controlled biggest district in the Jihadi pocket of eastern Aleppo confirms that the Syrian army is on course to liberate the whole of Aleppo before Donald Trump’s inauguration in January.

Sources close to the Syrian government are claiming that the Syrian army has fully captured the Masaken Hanano district within Al-Qaeda controlled eastern Aleppo.

If  these reports are true – and it appears that they are being confirmed by Jihadi sources – then the Syrian army is close to cutting the Al-Qaeda controlled area of eastern Aleppo in two, with any Jihadi fighters still in the north of the pocket trapped and cut off from their comrades further south.

By some accounts the Masaken Hanano district is also the biggest single built up district in Jihadi controlled eastern Aleppo. If so then its loss to the Jihadis will be a devastating blow.

It seems that the Syrian army’s offensive to recapture the whole of the Jihadi controlled districts of eastern Aleppo is proceeding rapidly – faster in fact than I had expected.  Though it is possible that Jihadi resistance may now stiffen, loss of the Masaken Hanano district shows that it is now only a question of time before its final collapse.

It seems that the Syrian army is well on course to liberate the whole of Aleppo from Al-Qaeda and its Jihadi fighters before Trump’s inauguration on 20th January 2017.
